zippmiller.blogspot |
salam hai ya'll....
especially to Zippo...
kite join contest awk...
nway, blog kite jux simple blog...
mcm biase je....
kalo ade citer best, kite try publish in blog kite...
i'm still NEW, kite still need to learn all about blog...
really hope tunjuk ajar dr blogger blogger yg lain...
dh lme interested in blogging, just skunk bru nk wat...
seriously, i'm still new..
trying my best to be BLOGGER YG TEGAR...
kite stil searching the identity of my blog...
wat mse skunk, blog cincai je kite leh wat....
any new things yg kite tau ke, kite update...
eventhough kite org yg paling lmbat tau.. heheh....
blog kite some of it, about personal life, some of it jux random things..
what happen ke, friends ke... anything that kite try to update...
nway, sory melalut bukan bukan...
hehe.. sorry....
blogger yg masih blaja.....
PERLU tunjuk ajar dr sifu sifu blogger....
hehe... love all blogger...
keep it up a good work guys!!!
love it!!!
hhehe...kite pown nak join gak benda nie kat zippo nye blog..t leh kite kenal2 ok..add me kat fb k..SANYO fb aye..nak email gak ker/?
tq join ye,,,zippo akan bg tau bile event Blog walking besar2an ini kan berlaku yeh :)
Dari blog zippo ne... Selamat berkenalan...
Bunga itu daripada ZIPPO kn?
saya datang nii...;)
dari blog zippo...list yang last sekali tu..
hye....hit me back. =D
from zippo
Kak Aina datang dr blog zippo. Salam kenal. Selalu-selalulah datang rumah akak yer.
Salam singgah dari BK.
:) selamat berkenalan dalam dunia blog.
Jemput ke blog saya untuk usyar apa yang mungkin anda suka.
Hanya ketuk dan beri salam:
Terima kasih.
salam ukhuwah..dari bloglist zippo terjah sini
mlwat dri segmnt zippo
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